VR Application in Agriculture

It is not an easy task to train farmers, especially when they are unskilled workers, and modern equipment is not cheap. To avoid malfunction or injury of the workers, farmers nowadays use virtual training (VR) as their source.

VR training will help the workers get complex training and even cost less. VR also helps the workers to work out certain scenarios in a gaming mode and train their skills for automation. After VR training, workers can easily start working with real technology.

Virtual agricultural technology plays an important role in the agricultural realm and modernization. Computer science and IT both go side by side, playing an important role in the development of agriculture. The combination of agriculture science with IT and VR has led agriculture to explore new ways of applying agriculture and studying.

The concept of virtual agriculture has provided a new range of agriculture development. The architecture of virtual crops is analyzed and studied, by building a model of virtual crops using three- dimensional techniques. The techniques of three- dimensional help to improve agricultural modernization and the applications of VR.

  • VR in the Agriculture sector

Virtual Reality recreates a real working environment, which refers to the implementation of specific substances by the computer, in the virtual emissions and soil absorption. It also gives an idea of the migration process, plant, and animal growth process, and so on. The employees are provided with different scenarios and receive a certain sum of points on the completion of the scenario.

After the scenario is completed, the points are summed up and the employees are provided with a qualification certificate. If you think your first try was not good, then you can always “replay” and give it a new try.

  • Virtual Planting:

Designing a virtual plant on the computer screen, helps to know about the life cycle of plants and crops, it also saves time, money, and manpower. The implementation of the crop of the dynamic growth process is known in your computer. It helps to obtain various dynamic data that includes modern equipment. The visualization of the crops provides different methods and means to structure and research on crop ecology and physiology. The research for the plants part and root portion is also studied with the help of virtual planting.  

  • Virtual Application in teaching and agriculture popularization:

The multimedia and interactive virtual application technology combines creativity and effectiveness to help educate the farmers about the growing condition of the crop from every angle. By just moving a mouse and key farmers can experience to hear, see, and control the crop growth and condition, which is better than the traditional way.

Farmers also include the experience of changing environment and crop cultivation process of the virtual crops and planting. The technology promotion helps the farmers understand and grasp advanced agriculture land management techniques so that the process of teaching becomes easier and intuitive, with vivid images, those help in effective teaching and increases the learning interest.

Overall virtual agriculture helps to improve the efficiency of using an efficient amount of agriculture resources, which stimulates agricultural product market transaction and agricultural production management, which can realize the technical and agriculture training, education, research, etc.

Virtual agriculture opens huge possibilities for business by automating the agriculture process and showing the farmers virtually an interactive way of how farming can be operated and conducted.  

In terms of thinking of Researchers, Farmers, and Students, Racketail developed various VR Content ranging from Vertical Farming to the Study of Pesticides in Crops. For some of the below topics, Racketail used tools like Unity and Unreal to develop a real-life experience for the viewer to understand the topic in depth. 

  • VR Animated Study of Nematode Worms
  • VR Animated Study of Beehive and Varroa Mites
  • VR Animated Study of New Seed application in Soil
  • Working in Apple Orchard– 360 VR Tour
  • Mink farming and process (360 VR Tour)

Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology (MPUAT), Udaipur has used the above contents which were inaugurated as a new Digital Technology Cell in the agriculture field, is focused on, Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Internet of Things (IoT). Racketail is now a technology partner of this University to work along with them in developing a tech stack for Smart Farming and AgriTech.  

Racketail Solutions is one of the preferred partners to Enterprises, SMBs, and startups. We work in IoT, AR, VR, Mobile, and Custom Enterprise development. You can contact us at contact@racketail.com

How VR is Changing the Business World

The 21st century has changed the world of business from manual to digital VR (Virtual Reality).

What is Virtual Reality?

Virtual Reality is the next innovative step into the digital world. VR immerse digital-artificial generated environment.

Virtual Reality (VR) is being famous because it helps people bring places near those places they could never go. So, think about the change’s VR brings in the way of running a business. VR helps in saving money and time whereas it also improves business procedures and processes.

Let’s see how:

Virtual Reality Bringing Travel Experience:

One benefit of VR makes the user access too many real-time experiences. Think you’re planning to make a trip to the museum or gallery, VR here makes the work easy. VR allows remote tours of the museum and gallery without getting inside the building. 

Explore the world with VR
3D Clip Art for Virtual Reality Environment: 

Graphic designers should never feel left out. VR has bought changes in 3D Graphic fields. Illustration and Graphics can transform the VR technology.

Poly is the Google recent explorer in creating a digital library of 3D objects. Users can create their popular 3D objects, animals, or environment in poly function.

Virtual Reality shaping Estate Agencies:

We all know it’s hard to convert a potential lead into sales, as the property may or may not fit the customer choice. VR comes in handy, to a real estate agent only if uses VR as a tool.

VR creates a virtual tour of properties, which will allow your customer to get a richer experience of what the building looks like. You know what you can also give a virtual tour of the property during both daylight and night light. Many high-end real estate agents are providing the experience of VR to their customers.VR improve the experience for potential customers and add overall efficiency.

Virtual Reality shaping Healthcare:

Healthcare is the first one who started using VR. With the help of VR, doctors can see inside the human body and examine that they could not examine before. Whereas surgeons use it for practicing or training the sensitive and difficult procedure before trying it on the patience.

Virtual Reality shaping HR and training:

Any company when hire employees need to provide enough training. The larger the business, the more needful of a bespoke person to take training either for a longer or shore period. E.g., NASA and the armed forces have used VR in their training.

The benefit of having VR (Virtual Reality) during training is that it provides an enormous amount of complex information easy to the employees via video or book. VR also trains the employees to operate the machine in the virtual environment, in which the employee will be much more familiar with the operating procedure while using the machine in real life.

Virtual Reality providing shopping experience:

VR helps the customers take a virtual tour of their store, i.e. consumers can browse with a much unobstructed view of the clothes and get engaged with the brand. VR provides an experience to their customers on how they would wear and use the wear.

Some companies like North face are already using VR in their retail store. As they believe VR helps the customers test the overall experience. The experience leads them to browse the clothes and purchase the outerwear easily. 

Alibaba's VR Shopping
Some ways a small business can incorporate VR:
  • Create VR content for your products.
  • Offering a virtual tour of the location or stores.
  • Get a customer’s engagement by testing the images virtual from all sides.
  • Train employees to use VR.
  • Give your customers a fresh experience.
  • Create interactive games.

What’s Next

You know what business you are starting, so your next step is to make VR (Virtual Reality) content for your business. If you are planning to make a video, you need to spend an enormous amount of money just to create a piece of video.

The content in VR will help your customers to communicate more engagingly and effectively. It will also increase efficiency, it’s via training, personal development, or better communication. Overall, it increases the chances of being visible and improving the quality of experience of your business for both customers and employees.  

Thankfully, we Racketail have solutions for your contents, we will publish and creating high-quality experience VR content for your business, at low-cost.

Racketail helps small or big companies to get their business online. Most of the successful companies, small or big, trusted Racketail for product development. Racketail is one of the AR/VR App development agencies since 2015. You can contact us at contact@racketail.com.